Monday, March 30, 2009

Make Camouflage Netting

Camouflage, the art of concealment, made easy with netting.

Camouflage netting breaks up unnatural lines and shapes within a natural environment. Its main uses are in military engagements and during hunting expeditions. Camouflage netting conceals objects in a variety of environments, including desert, tundra, forest and grassland. Camouflaged netting often features strips of fabric that flutter about with the wind, giving the intruding object a three-dimensional measure of concealment.


1. Cut the anti-rot treated shrimp net to the desired size. For instance, if you plan on wearing your net, ensure that it will completely cover your body without dragging on the ground. Military units, especially snipers, create specifically crafted garments made from camouflage netting known as "ghillie suits." If your net is to conceal a hunting blind, size the net accordingly.

2. Wash and dry your net with anti-scented laundry detergent. Strange scents are among your greatest enemies while hunting game. The used shrimping net might need two or three washes to completely remove the left-over shellfish smell.

3. Weave twigs and branches through your shrimp net. Ensure the foliage is native to the area where your net will be used. Better yet, if you plan on using your net in a specific tree or bush, find foliage from these particular plants. Rather than removing green twigs and branches from living trees, try to find your foliage on the ground.

4. Weave leaves through your homemade camouflage netting. As before, ensure the leaves complement the area of use. The leaves will flutter and wave in the breeze, making your netting seem less wall-like and more organic. Ensure that you can still see through your net from behind its camouflaged cover.

5. Leave your netting outside in the elements for several days before use. Drape the net over a fence or pole, and avoid placing it on the ground. That will speed up the decomposition of your attached foliage. Leaving your net outside allows the rope fibers to soak up the outdoor scents, while removing your own from the newly added foliage.

Tags: through your, camouflage netting, Camouflage netting, twigs branches, your from, your netting