Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Make A Homemade Stun Device

There are many benefits to making a protective stun device at home. You can save a significant amount of money, and your device will be less recognizable as a stun device, making it easier to conceal. Your attacker, in this instance, wouldn't suspect a disposable camera to act as a stun device. If you can gather the few simple objects listed and you know properly operate a soldering iron, you can easily make a stun device for a fraction of the retail cost.


1. Wear the rubber gloves to protect yourself from getting stunned while you build the device. Disassemble the disposable camera carefully. Kodak brand disposable cameras work really well for making stun devices. Place one of your hands on the front cover of the camera and your other hand on the back, pull your hands apart while gripping both covers, to separate them from one another. Push in on the tabs located on both sides of the camera to release the covers completely. Pull the AA battery out of the electrical board.

2. Pull the film out and remove the electrical board from the camera assembly. Locate the flash bulb in the upper left corner of the electrical board.

3. Locate the two copper pieces on the sides of the flash-bulb socket. Clip the flash bulb away from these copper pieces with the wire cutters. Measure and cut 3 inches off the red and black speaker wires. Solder the black wire to one piece of copper, then solder the red wire to the remaining piece of copper.

4. Cut the rubber coating off of the wires with the wire cutters approximately 1/4 inch of the way down the wires from the ends. Replace the battery, then push the ends of the wires sticking straight out of the camera. Assemble the camera back together and glue the cover in place.

5. Push the photo taking button down to activate the electrical stunning spark from the ends of the wires. When touched to the skin of an attacker, the stunning effect will be powerful enough to compare equally with a lower-grade, commercially manufactured stun gun. Many disposable camera resistors are rated at 330 volts.

Tags: disposable camera, electrical board, copper pieces, ends wires, flash bulb, from ends