Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Boot Camps For Troubled Kids In Wisconsin

Sometimes kids need an attitude adjustment

Kids can get rowdy and will eventually reach a defiant stage where nothing you say seems to hold any authority over them. Sometimes grounding may do the trick, but sometimes you need an extra hand in teaching discipline to your kids when they are completely out of hand. Troubled teens usually lack a sense of respect, for authority, their peers, and often, themselves. Boot camps and military schools can improve your troubled kid's attitude with team building programs.


SPRITE stands for support, perseverance, respect, initiative, teamwork and education. The organization started in 1978 to reintegrate adjudicated youth, ages 14 to 17, into their home communities as a pre-release program. It is a 24-day program that teaches youth pro-social behavior, independent living skills, and responsibility though activities such as community service, rock climbing, and pre-employment skill development.

Southern Oaks Girls School

Southern Oaks Girls School opened in October 1994 for delinquent female youth. The short-term re-entry program is for mentally stable girls between the ages of 13 and 17. Individualized attention is assured by keeping group capacity at 10 girls. The maximum program length is 120 days. The intensive treatment program (ITP) is for aggressive girls with mental health issues. Many of the girls in this program have histories of self harm. The Scarlet Oaks unit program is a less intense version of the ITP program. Southern Oaks Girls School is the only youth correctional institute in the country with a Girl Scouts troop.

Camp St. John's Northwestern

Camp St. John's Northwestern is a military summer program for young men ages 11 to 16. Accredited by the American Camping Association, its program focuses on developing leadership, teamwork, self-confidence, and physical endurance through activities such as paintball, rappelling, and archery.

Tags: Girls School, Oaks Girls, Oaks Girls School, Southern Oaks, Southern Oaks Girls