Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Design Your Own Airsoft Gun

Design Your Own Airsoft Gun

Many toy guns use a spring to fire a projectile from the barrel. You can build your own gun that uses a balloon to provide the "springing" action. A few hardware and household parts are needed, along with adult supervision if you are a child. Building your own gun will give you a sense of accomplishment and show you how the basic mechanism for firing a projectile from a toy gun has not changed over the years.


1. Cut the tube end off from the party balloon with scissors.

2. Stretch the open end of the balloon over one end of the toilet paper tube. Use masking tape to hold the end of the balloon over the toilet paper tube.

3. Apply hot glue around the end of the balloon so that it is now adhered to the toilet paper tube.

4. Insert a NERF dart into the open end of the toilet paper tube.

5. Hold the toilet paper tube with your left hand. Grab the NERF dart that is inside of the party balloon with your right hand (reverse this if you are left-handed). Pull back on the NERF dart so that the party balloon stretches.

6. Aim the airsoft you have made at a target. Release the NERF dart to cause the party balloon to spring back and fire the dart at the target.

Tags: paper tube, toilet paper, toilet paper tube, NERF dart, party balloon, balloon over