Friday, February 15, 2013

Fun Gifts For Parents

Give your parents board games that the whole family can play together.

Raising children is hard work. Babies spit up and cry. Toddlers learn the word "no." Children throw tantrums. Preteens ignore their parents while teenagers fight with them. While raising their kids, parents work, clean house and pay bills, which doesn't leave much time for relaxation or fun. On your parents' next birthday or on the next holiday, add a little excitement and entertainment to their lives with a fun gift.


Appeal to your parents' sense of adventure and get them out of their daily routine. Send them on an adventure. Sign them up for scuba diving lessons or a ride on an aerobatic biplane. Take them rock climbing -- indoors or outdoors -- sky diving, hang gliding or bungee jumping. Plan a white-water rafting trip. If those adventures are a little too extreme for your parents, take them to play paintball, go go-carting or hiking. Your parents not only will have fun but they may recapture some of their youth.


Get your parents out of the house by giving them tickets to an event that they'd like. Buy them tickets to hear their favorite band play. If they like classical music, send them to the symphony. Theater buffs may enjoy themselves at a play or opera. For parents that are sports fans, give them tickets to see their favorite sports team play. If your parents' are the ultimate couch potatoes find them tickets to be in the audience of their favorite show. You can also give tickets to galleries, museum exhibits, air shows and lectures.


Working, taking care of a family and cleaning a house can become stressful. Sometimes the most fun can be had when relaxing. Give them a gift certificate to a day at the spa where they can get a much needed body massage and be pampered for a few hours. Arrange a wine tasting at a local vineyard or a round of golf at a nearby golf course. If your parents like the outdoors and animals, set up a long, leisurely horseback ride for them at the local stables. For parents that like the water, rent a sail boat for a day at sea. Or if you're on a tight budget, pack them a lunch full of their favorite foods and send them on a picnic at the park.


Just about everyone has fun while on vacation, so send your much desiring parents on a vacation. Let them explore the Caribbean, Alaska or even Europe by cruise ship. Send them on a second honeymoon to a romantic destination such as Napa Valley, New York or Paris -- if you can afford it. If your parents have a place they've always wanted to go, but never actually got around to going, buy them plane tickets and set up a hotel reservation for them. For children on a budget, give your parents a weekend getaway to a bed and breakfast or even a hotel in the city your parents live in. Just staying in new surroundings will be fun.

Tags: your parents, your parents, their favorite, them tickets, parents that