Monday, April 16, 2012

Ideas For A Clean Bachelor Party

Today's bachelor parties rarely resemble the traditional gathering of the groom's friends, strippers and many cases of beer. There are many options for bachelors who want to have clean parties. In fact, today's bachelor parties often include the bride and her friends as well.


Plan an outdoor adventure like camping, white water rafting, paintballing, sky diving, skiing, boating or hiking. There are even companies that plan adventure bachelor parties for you (see resources). You can also organize a road trip to your hometown, college town or to a tourist site like an amusement park or the Grand Canyon.


Visit a sporting event in style. Take a limousine and get box or front row seats. Another option is to play sports yourselves. Plan a trip to a golf resort, or organize a softball game. Include the bride and her friends if you find that you need more people.


Have a feast at an upscale restaurant. You can also try many different restaurants by visiting a different one for each course. Another idea is to plan a weekend (or week, if possible) in a city or at a resort that you have always wanted to see. A trip is an ideal way to spend some quality time with your friends before being married.


Gather favorite childhood board games like Risk, Monopoly, Stratego and Sorry and have a game night. Enjoy snacks and candy from that era as well. Planning a movie marathon is another nostalgic idea. A third idea is to rent out an arcade or a Chuck E. Cheese and relive childhood birthday parties.

Tags: bachelor parties, bride friends