Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Make Invitations On Facebook

Make Invitations on Facebook

Facebook started out as a social network for college students, but has now become popular among high school students, companies, church groups, book clubs and other social groups. One option that makes Facebook so popular is the ability to quickly and simply create invitations for any kind of event. It also allows you to invite people directly through the website and keeps track of your guests' responses to the event so that you can see how many people are attending, not attending or are unsure.


1. Log in to your Facebook account. This will take you to your home screen.

2. Click on the calendar icon labeled "Events" in the box labeled "Applications." There is also a toolbar at the bottom of the page that appears on every page within Facebook. If you click the calendar icon on this toolbar it will also take you to your Events page.

3. Click the button that says "Create an Event." This takes you to the first step of the Invitations Creation page.

4. Fill in all the required information for your event in the blanks. You must put an event name, host, event type and location. You can also choose to put a tagline for your event title, a description, the start and end time, and a contact phone number or email. When you are finished, click "Create Event."

5. Customize your invitation on the next page. You can choose to upload a picture and customize the privacy level of your event. There is an option to let guests know if they can bring friends. You can also enable or disable wall posts, video posts, photo posts and posted items by the guests. The last option on the page is "Access," which determines if the event is open, closed or secret. These options are described in detail on the page. When you are finished, click "Save."

6. Determine who you want to invite and include them in the "Guest List" on the final page. All of your Facebook friends are listed in the box on the right side under "Invite Friends." When you check the box next to a person's name he is added to the list. There is also a box where you can invite people who do not have Facebook accounts by entering their email addresses. Once you have finished your list, you can add a personal message that will be sent with the invitation. Click "Send Invitations." Your event has now been created and the invitations have been sent.

Tags: calendar icon, Create Event, finished click, Invitations Facebook, invite people