Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cheap Paintball Guns That Are Fully Auto

A top-of-the-line paintball gun can be expensive; beginners may wish to invest in a cheaper one.

A fully automatic paintball gun is releases many continuous rounds when the trigger is depressed. They have proved to be very popular, despite the fact that some fields and tournaments do not allow fully automatic markers at all and many traditionalists believe that they destroy the spirit of the game. Fully automatic paintball guns are generally more expensive than automatic markers; in fact, many affordable fully automatic paintball guns are currently out of production. They are often available used or refurbished, however.

Kingman Spyder

There are not one, but two affordable fully automatic paintball guns in Kingman Products' Spyder line. The Spyder E-MR1 Tactical Marker is the cheaper of the two and retails for approximately $110, though in early 2011 it was out of stock at most retailers. It fires up to 15 balls per second. The Spyder RT retails for around $150, and can fire up to 30 balls per second. In addition to a fully automatic mode, both of these markers can operate in semi-automatic and burst modes.

Viewloader High Voltage

Like the Kingman Spyder models, the Viewloader High Voltage operates in semi-automatic and burst modes in addition to fully automatic. It has an anti-chop bolt (which prevents paintballs from becoming pinched in the gun and breaking) and a spiral ported barrel (which spins the paintball, making for a quieter shot). In fully automatic mode, it can fire up to nine balls per second. The Viewloader High Voltage is the oldest paintball gun on this list, and therefore may only be available used or refurbished. When new, it retailed for approximately $120, but refurbished and used models may sell for as low as $50.

WGP Worr Machine EG Electronic

The cheapest marker on this list, the WGP Worr Machine EG Electronic retails for about $80 when new, but costs less when refurbished or used. It has a sensor that prevents the gun from firing until the paintballs are firmly in place, and it is built to be easily field-stripped for on-the-go repairs. It shoots in semi-automatic and burst modes, in addition to fully automatic. Though the Worr Machine EG is out of production, used and factory refurbished models are readily available.

GoG eNVy

The GoG eNVy retails at about $200. It is quite modern and versatile, shooting not only in fully automatic, semi-automatic and burst modes, but also in PSP and BillyBall modes (special firing rates for specific paintball games). As is, it shoots 11 balls per second, but it can be upgraded easily to shoot 25 balls per second or more. It has a two-point adjustable trigger and is designed for easy maintenance.

Tags: fully automatic, balls second, automatic paintball, burst modes, semi-automatic burst, semi-automatic burst modes