Thursday, August 26, 2010

Set The Ramping On A Smart Parts Ion

Adjust the settings on your Smart Parts Ion for a different shooting effect.

Paintball guns have several settings that users can adjust to their individual tastes, including how many paint balls can be shot in one second. These different shooting modes include settings like semi-automatic, full-automatic and ramping. Ramping on a paintball gun means that it is in rebound mode. This mode lets the user shoot off several paintballs in one second. The Smart Parts Ion paintball gun lets the user adjust the mode by pressing a couple of buttons.


1. Press the On/Off button, located right above the trigger on your Smart Parts Ion, to turn it on. A red light will blink rapidly, indicating it is on.

2. Enter Programming Mode by pressing a gray button, which controls the circuit board. This is located right behind the the trigger switch. The light on the button will turn yellow, indicating that you are on Setting 1.

3. Press the gray button four times until the lights blink in a double yellow pattern. You are now in the "Cycle Modes Up" selection.

4. Press the On/Off button once. The gray, lit, button and the On/Off button will flash if you are making the adjustment correctly. Pressing the button once will put the gun into ramping or rebound mode.

Tags: Smart Parts, gray button, your Smart Parts, button once, button will