Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Fun Things For Children In Baltimore

There are many historic sights in Baltimore, Maryland that are both entertaining and educational.

Baltimore, Maryland has many kid-friendly activities to choose from. The city, which is located just outside Washington, D.C., has a wide range of adventures and attractions to keep children occupied and engaged. Many local destinations provide a view of the area's rich history, along with the region's cultural diversity, which give kids a bit of education while they are having fun.

Enoch Pratt Free Library

The Enoch Pratt Free Library is the oldest existing public library, and it has nearly two million books. The library has a variety of child-friendly activities that will keep the kids entertained and allow them to gain knowledge on a wide array of subjects. The resources used include movies, traveling exhibits, live shows, games, puppet shows and craft projects. The library also has a reading program for kids to participate in during the summer months or after school.

Port Discovery Children's Museum

Port Discovery Children's Museum has three floors of exhibits, including many that change throughout the year. Each exhibit provides interactive fun for kids ages two through ten. The exhibit called Exploramora: Down at the Farm allows kids to participate in many aspects of farm life, which include milking a cow, brushing a horse tail and planting vegetables. Harvest Hill is an interactive market where kids can see how goods get to the store. Tiny's Diner lets kids cook and serve food in a mock 1950s style diner.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum is a historic landmark that houses the oldest railroad collection in the world. The museum provides kids with a view of railroad history and allows them to see a variety of exhibits, artifacts, locomotives and model train layouts. There are train rides that run from April through December and on weekends in January, along with special holiday rides during the Christmas season. The on-site restaurant serves a full service menu that offers hot dogs, pizzas and burgers, and there is a vending area where visitors can purchase snack foods and drinks.

Tags: along with, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore Ohio, Baltimore Ohio Railroad, Children Museum