Thursday, May 12, 2011

Make A Five Man Paintball Team

An organized paintball team, like this one, should have matching camouflage for outdoor play, or jerseys for indoor play.

Fast-paced, intense and enthralling --- these are some of the words that describe paintball. Starting and organizing a five-man paintball team will allow you to not only enjoy the activity to its fullest, but also to enter matches and compete for money, equipment and pride. It will also allow you to enjoy the sport's competitive nature by pitting you against rival teams from your local area. Your team can practice and hang out together, and you can share one common love: paintball.


1. Organize a tryout to find the best and most willing paintball players for your team. Pay attention to players' history, experience and availability of time in order to determine who would serve best on the team.

2. Choose a team name and design a team slogan with your new team members. Also design and have printed a team flag with the team's name, logo and location of origin.

3. Decide which players perform best in which positions (front, middle or back), and make sure their equipment matches that position. Frontmen should be small, agile and quick and have smaller guns and shorter barrels while backmen can be larger and slower, but should have faster guns, longer barrels and more paintballs. Middlemen usually blend the characteristics of the two.

4. Structure a weekly practice and get-together schedule to improve your team's performance and build comradery.

5. Set team rules and expectations so that each member knows what to expect. Add these items to a team contract or statement of mission. For example, you can require that the team members come to weekly practices, and you can expect certain monetary commitments when it comes to team equipment and materials.

6. Find and enter local matches and tournaments (through your local paintball fields). Once your team starts placing high in the results, you can further develop your team's image and popularity through sponsorships.

Tags: your team, paintball team, should have, team members, team name, your local