Thursday, December 30, 2010

Rezero A Barska Scope

Barska Optics makes a series of rifle scopes for hunting and tactical use. The rifle scope product line includes standard hand-operated scopes and those with electronic and laser calibrations. The process of zeroing out a Barska scope depends on the type of scope. A scope should be "re-zeroed" when its crosshairs are no longer accurately calibrated. Re-zeroing essentially "resets" the scope so you zero it in again to your liking.


1. Place the safety of the rifle to "On" and point it away from people, preferably down a target shooting range. Bring the rifle up to the firing position and look down the Barska scope.

2. Turn the windage and elevator dials, found on the right side and top-center respectively, counterclockwise until they no longer turn. Look down the scope and see the focus is now off, the target appears fuzzy and the crosshairs are not aligned. This has zeroed out the scope. This is the standard scope method to re-zero.

3. Grip the slider on the left side of the eye piece on a Barska laser scopes. Pull the ridged slider back and hold it to reset the laser calibration, thus re-zeroing it for use.

4. Adjust the windage and elevation dials on the laser scope as in Step 1 and 2, once the laser is zeroed.
