Monday, January 11, 2010

Gifts For Guys Who Like Guns

Finding a range that rents exotic or historical guns can be a great gift.

When shopping for a guy who likes guns the first thing to remember is do not buy him any gun or gun-related accessories. Guns have very specific details, and odds are he knows the details and you don't, so find a different gift. Some guys use guns for hunting, some for collecting. Whatever the reason, the right gift can add some subtle levels of safety and responsibility.

Hunting Accessories

If the man is a hunter there are many great accessories you can find. A good knife is a must-have for a hunter. Warm socks will remind him of your gift on cold mornings. Hats and gloves can all help out a hunter; plus, if he doesn't make himself exceedingly visible, you can make sure your gift gives him that little bit of extra orange to keep him seen by fellow hunters.

Lock It Up Securely

Weather he likes long-arm rifles or side-arm pistols, not every man takes the necessary precautions with his firearm. If you buy him a locking device, be it a trigger lock, a lock box or a weapons locker, he might practice better gun safety. Many men don't even think about locking their weapons up; ultimately, they are responsible for anything that happens with their weapon. If it is locked up, they are that much more secure. This is mandatory if children are around.

Training Course

Many men will not admit they need a safety course, but, if you sell it as a "training course," they will be much more inclined to participate. This is a gift, however, so make sure you get him a cool course. No one wants to sit in a class room for his present, but if you can find a course with an obstacle course or a qualifying or ranking element, any shooter will jump at the chance to participate. He might even learn something useful and responsible.

Exotic Firing Range

For the over-the-top gift, you can find an exotic firing range. Finding places that rent guns for use can be difficult, but everyone remembers his first machine gun. It can be a little expensive, but it is a great way to do something with the gun enthusiast for his gift. depending on how far you are willing to go, exotic ranges can have everything from machine guns to high-powered rifles to rocket launchers.

Tags: make sure, much more, your gift