Friday, June 26, 2009

Build A Wood Paintball Fort

Without a fort, you will be left out in the open.

Wooden paintball forts are a great addition to your paintball field. These forts give you a place to take cover and provide a strategic advantage over your competition during a paintball game. While paintball forts can be massive, complicated structures, simple designs work just as well. A simple paintball fort can be created in less than an hour and can cost less than $50. When creating a fort, recruit the help of a friend to make positioning the materials easier.


1. Choose a piece of land for your wooden paintball fort. The land under and around your fort should be flat and void of rocks and other large debris. A flat surface will be easier to build on and safer to play paintball on. Also make sure there are several sturdy trees in the area.

2. Place a sheet of plywood against two trees, making sure that the longest section of the wood is horizontal. Since plywood typically comes in 4-foot-by-8-foot sheets, try to pick trees that are spaced about 7 feet apart. Nail each end of the plywood to the trees using your nails and hammer. About five nails on each side will suffice.

3. Place another two sheets of plywood on the left and right side of your paintball fort and nail to the surrounding trees like you did with the first piece of plywood. This will create a square wooden fort that provides protection on three sides. It is best to leave the rear of the fort open so you can easily enter and exit the fort.

4. Drill several holes on all three sides of the fort using the drill with a 2-inch bit. This will create a place for the barrel of your paintball gun so you can shoot the opposing team without exposing your body. These holes can be anywhere on the boards, so choose locations that are comfortable to shoot through.

Tags: paintball fort, your paintball, less than, paintball forts, This will, This will create, three sides