Thursday, July 11, 2013

Strategize In Laser Tag

Some laser tag players are satisfied if they can hit a target and make it to the end of a game, still standing, but not you! If you've delved into some of the more complex arena game formats or have joined an outdoor league, you're ready for some team-building tips. Learn to strategize to your individual and team advantage, and take your laser tag game to the next exciting level.


Create a Solo Strategy

1. Conceal yourself from enemies. They can't shoot you if they can't see you. Indoors, wear dark, blendable clothes, nothing white (stands out under black light) or interactive with black light (such as certain hair gels or face paint). Outdoors, camouflage works well.

2. Use others as shields. When leaving a home base, move with the group. Don't be first or last to enter the field of play.

3. Keep moving. Continuous, random movement keeps your body sensors in motion, making them harder to hit. It also puts you in firing range of your enemies so you can score points.

4. Know the terrain. Case the arena or playing field for hiding spots and defensive cover.

5. Be aggressive. You win more points for making a tag than you lose points for being tagged.

Create a Team Strategy

6. Strategize a few basic plays, as in football. Give each team member a place in the lineup and devise various ways to move about the playing field. Label them for easy recognition, such as A, B and C.

7. Let your team know before each game whether you'll be moving out in A, B or C formation.

8. Use one team member as "bait" to make an easy target while the rest of you surround the opposing players.

9. Designate two team members to double back, one on each side boundary, and then move toward the center for a surprise attack on your enemies.

10. Use two-way radios set to a secret frequency for team contact in outdoor laser tag. Let teammates know that you've reached a location, been tagged or captured the flag.

11. Strategize by anticipating your opponents' moves. Have a contingency plan, for "if they do this, we'll to do that."

Tags: black light, playing field, team member, your enemies