Thursday, November 24, 2011

Install An Expansion Chamber On A Paintball Gun

Expansion chambers can improve the efficiency and accuracy of your paintball gun. These expansion chambers allow CO2, the air source for some paintball guns, to expand and turn into a gas. This stabilizes the air source. These products can be quickly and easily installed, and they are one of the more affordable and easy ways to improve the performance of your paintball gun.


1. Remove the stock foregrip from the paintball gun. This can be done by unscrewing the foregrip from the body of the gun and unscrewing the air source adapter from under the trigger frame. The air source adapter has two screws that need to be removed and the foregrip just needs to be twisted counterclockwise. Once everything is unscrewed, pull the pieces away from the gun.

2. Screw the expansion chamber onto your paintball gun. The expansion chamber is the same shape as the foregrip and gets installed in the same place. Screw this piece into the body of the gun until it is snug; do not force it, since that could cause leaks.

3. Attach the air source adapter from the expansion chamber onto the trigger frame. Use the two screws that were removed previously to screw it on. The air source adapter must be facing the rear of the gun so that the CO2 tank can be screwed on.

Tags: source adapter, expansion chamber, your paintball, adapter from, chamber onto, expansion chamber onto