Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fill Your Own Paintballs

Water balloons can be used to make paintballs and paint grenades.

While paintball can be an exciting hobby, replacing paintballs and paint grenades can get costly. To save some money, create custom ammunition at home. The project can get messy, so be careful if doing this indoors. Paint for paintballs can stain and damage furniture. However, the result is custom-made paintballs to use and replace as needed.


1. Cover a table with a tarp to protect it from any paint that might drip or leak. Place a pitcher on the table and pour the paintball paint slowly from its container into the pitcher. Put the pitcher aside.

2. Stretch four to five water balloons to make them easier to work with during the filling process.

3. Insert the tip of a plastic funnel into a balloon's opening. Slowly pour the paint from the pitcher into the funnel so it does not spill. Fill the balloon about three-quarters full.

4. Remove the funnel from the balloon and tie the end of the balloon to close it. Make sure the knot is tight to prevent paint from leaking out. Insert the paintball into the paintball gun to see if it fits. Paintballs that are too large will break inside the gun, while paintballs that are too small will not shoot properly. Adjust the size of the paintball, and repeat the steps to make additional ammunition.

Tags: paint from, paint grenades, paintballs paint, paintballs paint grenades