Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Does An Airsoft Grenade Work

Prepare the Grenade

Unscrew the detonator from the body of the airsoft grenade. Fill the body of the grenade 3/4 full of plain water, and add 75 to 100 airsoft bb's. Open the bottom of the detonator and fill as recommended with citric acid. When finished, close the filler cap tightly, and screw the detonator onto the body of the grenade.

Activating the Grenade

Pull the pin from the top of the airsoft grenade detonator. This will allow the plunger on top of the detonator to be depressed and release the citric acid into the water contained within the main body of the grenade. Shake for no more than a second to mix the powder with the water. Since the chemical reaction will occur quickly, throw the grenade toward a target as soon as possible. The pressure inside the body of the grenade will cause the detonator top to come off and the bb's inside to be expelled forcefully.

Using the Grenade

The grenade, as with a real grenade, is used to dislocate or eliminate a target or targets. The grenade is effective for use at longer ranges without the need for extreme accuracy. Grenades are also effective when thrown inside buildings and bunkers as well as into ditches for eliminating a target. Airsoft grenades are not as damaging as military grade grenades, but will do some damage and should be handled with care.

Tags: body grenade, airsoft grenade, citric acid