Thursday, November 26, 2009

Remove Paint From Drywall

Removing layers of paint from drywall is an option for those who either want to add new texture to their walls or who want to start over with a smooth finish. Older homes that have many layers of paint on the wall will require a little more work. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Test the walls for any lead-based paint that may be underneath current layers on homes built in the 1950s or before. Do-it-yourself kits from a hardware store are accurate when the instructions are followed precisely.

2. Consult a contractor or other professionals if a test for lead-based paint is positive. More serious measures, such as tearing out the existing drywall, may be advised.

3. Prep the room in which you will be removing paint from the drywall if the test for lead-based paint is negative. Remove any decorations from the walls, and move pieces of furniture to another room or cover them with drop cloths to avoid getting dust on them.

4. Wear protective eye glasses and wear a mask the covers your nose and mouth to avoid any dust from getting into your eyes or from being inhaled.

5. Sand the wall(s) aggressively with a grit sandpaper (60 to 80) in a random orbit sander. If you do not own an orbit sander, you can rent one from most hardware stores. Rent one that includes dust extraction, if possible. This will help keep your work area much cleaner.

6. Move the orbital sander in every motion you can until you have taken off as much paint as you would like. Make clockwise, counter-clockwise, vertical, horizontal and diagonal motions to help in removing layers of paint from drywall. You will likely need to go over areas with multiple layers of paint numerous times.

Tags: layers paint, lead-based paint, from drywall, layers paint from, orbit sander, paint from, paint from drywall