Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Items Needed To Make A Woodsball Field

Woodsball is a type of paintball game set in the woods, hence the name. It is popular among those who prefer slower games. Players interested in creating their own woodsball field can let their imaginations run wild within their budget, but ingenuity and a few tips will help make for a good playing field.

The Field

Players should own or have permission to build and play upon a woodsball field. The size of the field is a consideration. Smaller playing areas have less open areas for players to engage in high-intensity paint fights, while larger fields have more areas for players to hide, resulting in more prolonged games.

Land with tree cover is preferred, but is unnecessary for a woodsball field. Rock formations of reasonable size can be used, as can bodies of water. The terrain should also be considered, since it can be more hazardous to play on rocky ground or fields full of holes, i.e., prairie dog habitats.


Players may decide to lay out a certain "feel" for their field. They should decide on a theme---if any---before placing bunkers or other materials. Dragon Man's Paintball Field in Colorado is rife with wrecked cars, providing a pseudo-apocalyptic or post-riot experience to the games. Popular themes for paintball scenario games (PSGs) are taken from science fiction and fantasy, though historical settings have also gained popularity, according to the World And Regional Paintball Information Guide (


Once a theme has been selected, players gather materials for their field. Stacked wood palletes are popular as bunkers because they can be repositioned with relative ease and do not provide complete cover due to the gaps between the palletes. Barrels, plastic or metal, are popular because players can climb inside them -- at their own risk -- to hope for a good shot.

For themed fields, oddly-shaped objects, such as car parts, can be placed to simulate crashed spaceship debris or---in more of a fantasy theme---large piles of stone and wood can simulate the ruins of a castle. The possibilities are limited only by a player's budget or access to free pieces for their field.


In addition to sizeable pieces for players to hide in and behind, scenery also plays a part in a woodsball field. You can find abandoned pieces at a local junkyard and bring a vehicle large enough to carry several pieces, preferably with a trailer or a truck bed. Depending upon a player's other skills, such as welding or construction, pieces can be assembled to simulate whatever the player desires. For war-themed fields, scattering spent ammunition shells may help "set the mood" for a war game. For a horror setting, skeletal pieces can be purchased at costume shops or science stores. Barring a piece's availability in stores, they may be purchased online.

Safety Considerations

Players construct a woodsball field at their own risk. Setting pieces of metal or stone on a field can cause abrasions or other injuries during play. The more cluttered a field the more hazardous it is for players. Through some "field testing," players can customize their field to figure out what works and what does not. Existing structures on the field may be structurally unsound, depending on their age and damage that may have been caused. Players should proceed with caution before using such structures.

Tags: their field, woodsball field, areas players, field their, more hazardous