Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Get Helium Tanks Filled

Helium-filled balloons add a festive touch to any party.

Refilling a helium tank is simply a matter of locating a gas company and taking the tank to the facility for a charge. Does this Spark an idea?


Get Helium Tanks Filled

1. Check the telephone directory yellow pages for industrial or commercial gas distributors, especially cylinder or bulk retailers.

2. Contact party-supply retailers online or find them in the telephone directory. Most party-supply retailers rent or sell helium tanks and can refill them.

3. Call a medical-supply company that specializes in oxygen tanks. Many carry other types of pressurized gas, including helium.

4. Ask a florist if the shop stocks helium. Many florists deliver helium-filled balloons to accompany floral arrangements and get-well gifts, and so they keep helium on hand.

5. Contact a special-events catering company. Many carry helium tanks for parties.

6. Buy a pre-filled helium tank at a large retail store if all efforts to locate a helium distributor are unsuccessful. Most big-box chain stores sell disposable helium tanks with a supply of balloons for children's parties.

Tags: helium tank, Helium Tanks, helium tanks, Helium Tanks Filled, Many carry, party-supply retailers