Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Convert Guitar Cases To Gun Cases

There are plenty of commercially produced gun cases on the market. But if you are a gun collector who also happens to be a big music fan, you can get in tune with your creative side by building a custom gun case out of an old guitar case. Build one of these cases for your favorite shotgun or rifle, and you are certain to trigger some interesting comments on your next visit to the shooting range or hunting lodge.


1. Open the guitar case and carefully remove the existing fabric and padding. Using the box cutter, gently cut the fabric away from the case where necessary, being careful not to damage the case.

2. Place a piece of cardboard that is larger than your guitar case on a table or hard floor. Close the guitar case, put it on top of the cardboard and use the pencil to trace the outline of the guitar case onto the cardboard.

3. Cut the cardboard with scissors along the traced outline of the guitar case, leaving a template that you will use to transfer the shape of the guitar case to the acoustic foam.

4. Place the acoustic foam face down -- flat side up -- on a table or the floor. If using multiple pieces of foam, use electrical tape on the seams to fasten them together. Put the guitar-case template on the back of the foam, and trace the case shape onto the foam using the marker.

5. Cut the acoustic foam with the serrated knife along the traced line into the shape of the guitar case. The foam will be slightly larger than the interior of the case.

6. Open the case and try to insert the acoustic foam. It will be too large to fit in the bottom of the case, and you will need to do some fine trimming to make it fit. The foam should be snug inside the case. Once you have a proper fit, use the hot-glue gun to adhere the foam to the inside of the case with the pyramid shape facing out.

7. Repeat the fitting, cutting and gluing for inside of the top of the guitar case.

Tags: guitar case, acoustic foam, along traced, foam will, inside case, larger than