Monday, March 25, 2013

Make A Scorpion Mask

Turn a paintball mask like this one into a Scorpion mask.

Scorpion is one of the original characters in the Mortal Kombat video game series. His costume and characteristics have encountered several changes as the game has evolved, but he remains cloaked in his usual yellow and black colors. Scorpion's mask has grown in sophistication compared to earlier versions. Create your own Scorpion mask for a Halloween celebration or other costumed event. Few materials are necessary to complete the project, and the durability of the mask enables it to last through multiple uses.



1. Spread old newspaper on a flat surface in a well-lit, well-ventilated room.

2. Remove the lens from the mask. Instructions for removing the lens vary from brand-to- brand. Follow the lens removal instructions for your particular brand to avoid damaging the mask.

3. Paint the bottom half of the front of the mask yellow. Do not paint above the base of the lens area. Paint the bottom half of the sides without painting above the jawline. The bottom half of the mask should be completely yellow while the rest of the mask remains black.

4. Set aside to dry. Once dry, replace the lens, if desired. Wear the mask with or without the lens.

Tags: bottom half, Paint bottom, Paint bottom half, Scorpion mask