Thursday, April 22, 2010

Airsoft Gun Laws For Sun Prairie Wisconsin

Removal of the orange marking from an airsoft gun is illegal.

The game of airsoft is quickly becoming one of the most popular military simulation and training games, combining the combat simulation of paintball with the realism of BB guns. But unlike BB guns, airsoft guns resemble weapons--despite the fact that plastic pellets are used. If you live in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, it's important to know the laws that govern your use of airsoft guns.

Federal Law

Although local laws are important, it's just as important to know the federal laws that govern airsoft. One of the most important federal laws requires that all airsoft barrels be painted with an orange stripe that's at least 6 mm (1/4 inch) wide. This marks the gun as a replica and allows police and other authorities to quickly identify them, protecting those who use them. Another federal law requires that all trademarks be removed if the manufacturer of the airsoft gun does not have permission from the manufacturer of the real gun to use the trademark.

Firing an Airsoft Gun

Sun Prairie municipal code 9.32.010 states that it's illegal for any person in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, except a law enforcement officer on duty, to fire an air gun. This includes all types of airsoft guns. The Sun Prairie municipal code also states that it's illegal to fire an air gun outside of Sun Prairie if the round lands within city limits. Shooting ranges are allowed upon approval of the chief of police. The reason for these laws is twofold: The city ordinance protects damage to property from stray bullets or vandals, and the code also protects people from injury. Although airsoft guns are relatively safe, a 2005 study conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 19,675 injuries were caused by guns that do not use combustion to fire, and this includes airsoft guns.

Owning an Airsoft Gun

According to Sun Prairie municipal code 9.32.010, it's illegal to possess an air gun within city limits, unless it isn't loaded, and it's stored inside of an appropriate case. This prevents panic or death caused by law enforcement officers and residents who mistake the airsoft gun for a real gun.

Tags: airsoft guns, municipal code, Prairie municipal, Prairie municipal code, Prairie Wisconsin, city limits