Monday, October 5, 2009

Select A Rifle Case

A rifle case is a critical piece of equipment to any hunter or target shooter. A case protects your gun from scratches. It also cushions your scope and protects it from getting bumped out of alignment. Many states also require that a rifle be encased while being transported in a vehicle, making a case a necessity. There are a few different rifle case choices. Consider your needs and select the best case for each rifle.


Selecting a Rifle Case

1. Consider what function your rifle case will serve. A hard plastic padded case is best for protecting your rifle scope. If you need to access your rifle quickly, a gun sock or a zippered padded case may work better. These choices are also more economical and are well-suited to rifles that don't have scopes. Also consider where you'll be toting your rifle. If you'll be on horseback, get a gun scabbard that attaches to your saddle. If you'll be transporting your gun on an ATV, an ATV gun boot is ideal. If you'll be traveling by boat, consider a zippered padded case that floats.

2. Measure your rifle and select a case a few inches longer than the rifle so it fits in the case. Padded zippered cases will need some clearance for the zipper to function properly. If possible, test your rifle inside the case before you buy it.

3. Select a case based on your sighting system. If you have a scope or plan to get a scope, select a scoped rifle case. These cases are slightly taller to allow room for a scope.

4. Buy a locking gun case if you'll be flying with a gun. Make sure your hard-plastic case has at least two tab holes to accept a lock. If you'll be flying with two guns or with a hunting partner, consider buying a double gun case, which can hold two firearms.

5. Select a case with storage for your magazine and shooting accessories. Many hard-plastic cases have storage compartments inside. Some zippered padded cases have outer storage pockets. These are ideal for holding magazines and ammunition.

Tags: your rifle, padded case, zippered padded, cases have, flying with, rifle case, rifle case