Friday, January 28, 2011

Widdy Darts Rules

Widdy darts are different than English darts

Widdy is an American dart manufacturer. American darts are completely different than the kind used in English dartboard games. With the weight in the nose, and three flight wings attached, Widdy darts are distinguishable by their blue and stamped words, "Official Tournament," and "Widdy Dart Mfg. Philadelphia, PA No. 1."


While playing darts, players waiting their turn are to remain behind the shooting line. Players getting ready to shoot must "toe" the line from which they're shooting. Each player is expected to throw three darts for each turn and complete all three before the competitor shoots. If teams are competing, then each player on a team completes his turn before the next team shoots.


The Widdy dartboard is not the traditional "bullseye" dartboard you might be used to. Rather it is broken into pie-shaped pieces that extend, pointing toward the center, outward. Each piece goes from the red center cork in the middle outwards through the red and white ring, and stops at the blue ring.


Scoring is done in three separate sections. The largest area is the first scoring section and covers all the uncolored area from the red cork in the center to the outer red ring. Referred to as "the single," this area is worth one point. The outer red ring is the second scoring area, referred to as "the red," and is worth two points. The thin uncolored outer ring that runs between the blue and red ring is known as "the trips" and is the third scoring area. Three points are assessed for darts that land in the trips. Landing a dart on the outer blue ring draws no points.

Practical Example

Player 1 throws three darts and gets two in the red (2 ea) and one in the blue (0). His competitor, Player 2, throws three darts and gets one in the single (1) and two in the trips (3 ea). Total Score: Player 1 = 4, Player 2 = 7. Player 2 wins the round.

Additional Tips

A dart must remain in the board to be counted for points, no bounced or falling darts count. If a dart falls out while the player is throwing his remaining darts, it doesn't count. Should one dart stick into another dart somehow, it doesn't count. Should a dart land in the wire between two sections (referred to as a "split wire"), the higher of the points of the two sections will be counted.

Tags: blue ring, outer ring, three darts, count Should, count Should dart, darts gets