Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Customize Spyder Paintball

A player with a paintball gun

Spyder paintball guns are among the most popular guns on the market. These guns are extremely easy to customize and, once upgraded, can have a very high level of performance. They are also quite affordable and can last many years. Whether your budget is small or large, there are plenty of upgrades for your Spyder paintball gun. Upgrades such as a barrel, electric hopper, compressed air tank and new trigger frame grip are very popular.


1. Attach a compressed air tank to the air source adapter of the Spyder paintball gun by screwing it in. This is located below the trigger frame. Compressed air is more efficient than CO2 and will give you much better accuracy.

2. Unscrew the stock barrel from the paintball gun. Replace with a high-quality aftermarket barrel. Aftermarket barrels increase the accuracy and the distance of paintballs once they are fired.

3. Replace the stock hopper, which is the container that holds paintballs, with an electric hopper. Electric hoppers agitate the paintballs to allow for a higher rate of fire. These hoppers also help prevent the gun from breaking paintballs.

4. Unscrew the stock grip on the trigger frame with tools included with the Spyder paintball gun. Depending on the model of Spyder paintball gun, between two and four screws are located on the left and right side of the grip. Replace with a more comfortable aftermarket grip and replace the screws.

Tags: Spyder paintball, trigger frame, compressed tank, electric hopper, Replace with, Spyder paintball, Unscrew stock